Stud dogs from our breeding
Here You can find actual stud dogs from our breeding. We do not own them, but I think, it is good to present them here. All have passed condition for breeding asked in the country where they are living and all have at least hips results.
HD A, eyes OK
owner: Angela Mosslin + Phil Sharp, Great Britain
Smaller, compact dog with excellent rich colour and mask, very friendly, social. Valentino is working in obedience, has many exams and also many show success from CZ, Great Britain and Belgium
HD A, eyes OK
owner: Josef Kvíčera, CZ
Big and strong dog with perfect deep orange colour and big mask, strong body, a bit longer in his back, very friendly, temperamently character. His owner attend from time to time training place and they did two exams with defence as well as title of Czech beauty Champion
HD A (OFA Good), ED 0/0 (OFA Normal), eyes OK, Thyroid, Patella and Heart test OK
owner: Muriel Tringley, Canada
middle sized dog of light fauve colour, full mask, very similary like his father in expression, friendly, succesfull on shows and obedience exams.
HD A, eyes OK
owner: after death of formerly owner- Pavel Dřímal, CZ
middle sized, compact and elegant dog with excellent expression, lot of coat, big white on his chest, very temperamently, crazy aporter
v.Int.Ch. ZEALOUS JUVELL z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Ing.Markéta Píšová, CZ
small and light dog, very quadratic, black eyes, deep red colour and full mask, very temperamently, fanatic aporter, fierly defender, done IPO3, SchH2, Ob2 and ZPU2 and many other working exams, as well as character tests with best possible score incl.defence in CZ and France and working selection in CZ. Zealous has also many show success and excellent results of offsprings, esp. exc.results of HD
Fauve homozygot.
JCh. ZANY JUVELL z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, OCD neg., eyes OK
owner: August + Brigitte Zach, Austria
smaller, compact dog of deep orange colour and big mask, very temperamently, exams BgH2 and Agility 2, show successes in Austria
OFA Good (HD A), OFA Elbows normal
Thyroid Normal, eyes OK
owner: Yvan Trépanier, Canada
smaller dog of very deep colour and very strong character. His main interest is agility
z. Ch. ARGENT BRUT z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK
owner: MVDr.Veronika Smějová, CZ
middle sized dog, born out of two Groenendaels, silver-sable colour, smaller mask, good coat, temperamently and dominant character. Sid is working mostly as a rescue dog, has many rescue examination, participate on FCI World Championship of rescue dogs and did as an only Tervueren in our country Rescue certificate of Ministry of Internal Affairs. He also done Working selection, but did also IPO1 and highest tracking level FPr3. He was only limited shown, but did well.
Ch. BLACK MAGIC z Kovárny
HD A, eyes OK
owner: Miloslav Macák, CZ
Tall compact dog with beautifull classic head, perfect expression, very socialized, friendly and open, tolerant to other dogs incl.males, love defence, which he shown on character test too. Very succesfull on shows.
Black homozygot.
Int.Ch. BRAT BLACK z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Diane Buytaert + Eric Goyvaerts, Belgium (since 11/2006)
tall, very compact dog with excellent coat texture, strong head of male, nice expression, beautifull movement, very friendly, wellrounded character. Lot of show successes, not only from Belgium.
Black homozygot.
HD B, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Jaroslav Kyselák, CZ
Tall elegant dog with wonderfull head and perfect planes and expression, very nice coat, very friendly character, crazy aporter, unfortunately owners are not (despite his show successes) interesting in shows.
Black homozygot.
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK
owner: Tuula Andersson, Finland
never shown, but very beautifull male
Ch. FAIR PLAY z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, back OK, eyes OK,
owner: Daniela Kejzlarová, CZ
Smaller, very quadratic and compact dog, deep orange colour with smaller mask, black eyes, temperamently, friendly character, crazy aporter. His main interest is Agility, where he is in highest class A3, but he did also well at defence and obedience. Lot of show results.
Ch. HARLEM BLACK z Kovárny
HD A (OFA Good), ED 0/0 (OFA Normal),
Thyroid Normal, eyes OK
owner: Lisa Mahoney + Pat Morgan, USA
Middle sized dog, excellent expression, thick coat, friendly character, his main interest is Agility and shows.
Ch. CHICO z Kovárny
HD A (OFA Exc.), ED 0/0 (OFA Normal), Thyroid OK,
heart OK, eyes OK
owner: Hannah Medford Brannigan, USA
taller, deep mahoganny dog with smaller mask, very elegant, excellent self-confident wellrounded character, friendly, neutral to other dogs, loves defence, his mainly interest is Obedience, where he has lot of successes.
KEEN ODY z Kovárny
HD A, oči OK
owner: Seppie Jansma, Netherland
smaller, very compact dog of deep orange colour and full mask, friendly, temperamently, who works mainly in Agility
Int.Ch. LASCO z Kovárny
HD B, ED 0/0, eyes OK
owner: Diego Centineo + Moira Daolio, Italy
taller, very elegant dog of excellent head, nice expression, lot of deep orange coloured coat, full mask. Excellent wellrounded and friendly character, with great interest about aport and defence. He has passed IPO1 and Obedience and has great show successes in many countries.
Fauve heterozygot
Ch. LUTIN z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Lenka Krejčová, CZ
tall dog with excellent long head, lack eyes, nice mask and expression, a little bit longer in his body and with happy tail, deep fauve colour and full mask. Friendly, temperamently, crazy aporter, has passed agility, tracking and versatile examination (with defence).
HD A, eyes OK
owner: Angela Mosslin + Phil Sharp, Great Britain
middle size, compact dog with wonderfull head, ears and expression, lighter fauve colour, temperamently and friendly character, lot of show successes
s.r. Se Ch. MILAN BLACK z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Anne Soukka + Piia Salonne, Finland (since 2011 year)
medium sized dog of excellent character, start his show career in 2011 only, but is already multiple Champion, include Champion NL or European Winner title and Selected in Netherland
black heterozygot
Ch. MYSTIC BLACK z Kovárny
HD A, ED 1/0, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Thomas Nallin, Germany
smaller, compact dog born out from intervariety litter, with beautifull head and expression, very elegant, lot of coat, wellrounded friendly character, lot of show results.
Black heterozygot.
s. Int.Ch. NODDY BLACK z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Jana Gollová, CZ
middle sized dog of classic type of head, nice expression, black eyes, quadratic body, very opulent coat, very friendly, happy, and open dog, wellrounded, working in versatility (incl.defence) and already has exams with defence. Lot of show successes.
Black heterozygot.
HD A, ED 0/0, SA 0, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Andrea Pavlíčková, CZ
smaller, very quadratic and compact dog with excellent head and expression, very opulent coat, crazy aporter, great temperament, very friendly, fierly defender, show defence also on character test. He is working in obedience, defence and is doing shows also.
Black heterozygot.
HD A, ED 0/0, SA 0, eyes OK, DNA vp
owner: Martina Linhartová, CZ
big and strong dog with excellent expression and black eyes, little ears, strong body, happy tail, excellent wellrounded, friendly character, crazy aporter. Really promising rescue dog, which is his main interest.
Black homozygot
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK
owner: Marcela Štemberová, CZ
smaller quadratic dog with excellent classic head and super paralel planes, small ears, black eyes, deep orange colour, smaller mask, happy tail.
Friendly, well-rounded character.
HD A, eyes OK
owner: Miroslav Jando, Slovakia
smaller, very quadratic dog with excellent siluety, nice head and ears, middle brown eyes, mahoganny colour with more overlay. Very friendly, temperamently character, crazy aporter, big drive.
Fauve heterozygot
s.r. s.. T.s. Se. Sw. Int.Ch. SAPHIR ZEALOUS z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Kateřina Čechová, CZ
middle sized very elegant and compact dog with excellent head and head planes, black eyes, nice expression, mahoganny colour with medium overlay, big mask. Excellent wellrounded and friendly character, crazy about balls, fierly defender, working in versatility (incl.defence) and has already exams with defence. Very succesfull on shows in CZ and abroad. Selected in four countries (CZ, HU, NL, France), incl.working selection in NL
Fauve heterozygot
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK
owner: Alexey Shulman + Kira Chuprova, Russia
Tarkus is coming from working line, he is son of Ring Working Champion. Despite his pedigree, he still looks like typical belgian shepherd. He is mentally hard, well socialized, love to work. He has passed IPO3 examination.
He is probably black homozygote
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK
owner: Rebekka Stewart, Danemark
middle sized young dog born out from intervariety litter, nice expression and eyes, still needs to mature, temperamently character.
Black heterozygot
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK, DNA vp
owner: Ladislav Pánek, CZ
medium sized dog, very short in body, with nice expression, small ears, deep colour and full mask. He is coming from intervariety litter. Xpert is very temperamently dog, allways willing to work and friendly, excellent tracking dog (tracking exams of highest level), but also did well in defence (has IPO exam).
Ch. ZEPHYR UPHEN z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK, DNA cp
owner: Jana Novotná, CZ
smaller, very short and compact dog with wonderfull head planes, black eyes, perfect ears. Beautiful mane, nice grey colour. Zephry is friendly, easygoing, playful dog, resistant to shooting. He is training only for the fun - defence and herding.
HD A, ED 0/1, eyes OK, heart OK
owner: Maarit + Kristiina Alppinen, Finland
Medium sized dog coming from intervariety litter, with beautiful head a expression, small ears, very quadratic body. Friendly, temperamently, and willing to work. Although he need some more time to mature, he already got several show successes. Trains agility and herding.
HD A, ED 0/0, SA neg., PL neg., OCD neg., eyes OK
owner: August + Brigitte Zach, Austria
smaller, compact dog, with high temperament, show success and working exams in Agility and obedience
s.Ch.BLACK BANDIT z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, SA 0, OCD neg., eyes OK
Owner: Taranzovi, CZ
Big and strong dog of classic head with wonderfull ears and dark eyes. Bandit has fantastic chest and forechest (which is not much common in these days) and excellent bones, coat of pure black colour. Temperamently, love to aport, resistant to shooting and with own opinion :-)
Black heterozygote.
C'YA SOON! z Kovárny
HD A, ED 0/0, OCD neg., eyes OK
Owner: Enni Sormunen + Piia Salonen, Finland
Medium sized dog of nice classic head with dark eyes and small ears, big mask, coming from intervariety litter. Very friendly, playful and temperamently character with will to work. Owner of happy tail :-)
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK
Owner: Jannike Steindal Nordanger, + Ada Elin Ekeland + Anita Ragnarsdotter, Norway
Medium sized dog, very nice head and expression, high set ears, still needs some time to mature, but already got some nice show successes. Friendly, playfull character.
Ch. DECENT DEMON z Kovárny
HD B, ED 0/0, SA 0, eyes OK, DNA cp
Owner: Jana Sommrová, CZ
Smaller dog of very good bones, classic head and beautiful expression, black eyes, very opulent deep orange coat. Demon is very playful, loves to work, resistant to shooting. He has many working exams and is doing mostly herding, where he got working certificate. Currently in IHT2 level.
HD A, ED 0/0, SA neg., eyes OK
Owner: Libor Dušek, CZ
Medium sized dog with deep red colour and good charbonage. Superb coat quality. Wonderfull open and friendly character. Working in defence. Extra talented for herding.
HD A, ED 0/0, eyes OK
Owner: Libor Kvapil, CZ
Big sized dog, very short and nice body, superb colour. Fantastic character - open, friendly, super defence.
Shown only once - BOB.