Work - Viana Innah

Work - Viana Innah

Examinations, competitions and character tests of  Viana Innah z Kovárny ...

Date Type, place
Result Judge
11.2005 ZPU1
obedience + tracking
142 pts - Excellent
(maximum = 150 pts.)
11.2005 ZOP
100 pts - Excellent
(maximum = 100 pts.)
10.2005 ZZO
obedience from NZŘ rules
58 pts + 3x PV - Done Excellent
(maximum = 60 pts.)
09.2005 BH
obedience from SchH/VPG rules
93 pts - Excellent
(maximum = 100 pts.)
19.06.2005 Character test KCHBO
Praha - Letňany
socialization, shooting, aport
93 pts + "A" (non-traditional aport)
(maximum = 100 pts)
Olga Sováková


Dále se Viana věnovala Coursingu, ve dnech 04.08.2007 a 12.08.2007 zaběhla tři kvalifikační běhy a získala Coursingovou licenci


Z Kovárny - Groenendael, Tervueren, Malinois